Exclusive Access:
Find Steath Founders First

Your Pipeline to the Next Unicorn

Uncover hidden opportunities with comprehensive profiles of top-tier founders working in stealth mode, updated weekly.

Discover Elite Founders in Stealth Mode:

Unlock Insights for over 530+ Elite Founders

Gain a competitive edge with our curated database of 530+ elite stealth founders, complete with up to 21 data points per profile

  • 530+ profiles of elite stealth founders, growing weekly

  • Up to 21 relevant data points per founder

  • US-based founders from top 25 startup schools

  • Filterable by education, experience (FAANG, other notable companies)

  • Exclusive insights into current stealth projects (where available) *info not available elsewhere

  • Direct contact information (email and phone numbers) *where available

  • Funding status

  • Personal social accounts and websites

  • Weekly updates with new founders and emerging startups

Stealth Founders versus linkedin

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1. Subscribe for exclusive access

2. Explore 530+ elite founder profiles

3. Filter and identify potential investments

4. Reach out directly to founders

5. Stay updated with weekly additions

Limited to 70 users forever

$99 p/m

  • Unlimited search and export access to our database of over 530 stealth founders upon signup.

  • Up to 21 data points per founder.

  • 50+ hours of research per monthly update.

  • Continuosly updated database.

  • Cancel any time. No lock-in period or contract.

Time-Sensitive Pricing:

Unlock unlimited access to our continuously expanding database:

  • $99 for the next 10 subscriptions

  • $199 for the following 20 subscriptions

  • $299 for all subsequent subscriptions

*currently at 24% capacity (17/70)

No contract. Unsubscribe at any time.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers. Our FAQ section covers everything you need to know about our exclusive database of elite stealth founders.From subscription details and data accuracy to update frequency and usage guidelines, we address the most common queries to help you make an informed decision. Discover how our platform can supercharge your investment strategy, learn about our rigorous data collection process, and understand the unique advantages our service offers.Still have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out – we're here to ensure you have all the information you need to stay ahead in the competitive world of early-stage investing.

Q: What is included in the database?

The database includes detailed founder profiles with contact information, work history, exclusive insights into what they're currently working on, and up to 21 total data points per founder.

Q: How often is the database updated?

The database is regularly updated (usually weekly) with new stealth founders and additional data points for existing profiles to ensure you have access to the latest information.

Q: How do I gain access?

Simply click here or one of the buttons above, and complete the purchase process to gain immediate access.
Once your payment is processed you will receive a password to enter on the homepage.

Q: How can I filter the database to find specific types of founders?

Our database offers advanced filtering options, allowing you to search by location, former FAANG experience, other notable experiences (e.g., Uber, Stripe, McKinsey), serial founders, educational background, funding status, category, and more.

Q: What kind of contact information is available?

The database includes professional contact details, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and social accounts when available, facilitating direct networking and collaboration opportunities.

Q: How is the data about the founders' projects obtained and verified?

We meticulously research and verify the information about founders’ projects to ensure high accuracy. This includes details on what they are working on, providing exclusive insights unavailable elsewhere without 100s of hours of extensive research.

Q: How do you ensure the quality and exclusivity of the database?

e carefully vet each founder included in the database, prioritizing those from top 25 schools for startup founders as researched by PitchBook, and those with significant industry experience.
Additionally, we limit membership to 70 members to maintain a high-quality, engaged community.

Q: What happens if a founder emerges from stealth mode?

When a founder emerges from stealth mode, their profile is updated with a new tag, allowing you to track their progress and stay informed about their latest developments.
Profiles can be filtered for these accounts only.

Q: Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
However, due to the limited availability of memberships, we recommend considering your decision carefully to maintain your access to this exclusive resource.

Q: Is there a way to see a sample profile before purchasing?

Yes, we can provide a sample profile upon request. Contact us to receive a detailed example of the type of information available in our database.

Join the waitlist if you're on the fence.

Not ready to commit? Stay in the loop and secure your spot in line. By joining our exclusive waitlist, you'll receive periodic insider updates on our growing database of elite stealth founders. We'll keep you informed about new additions, emerging trends, and limited-time offers.Don't risk missing out on the next big opportunity – sign up now to be first in line when you're ready to unlock the full potential of our founder intelligence platform.Remember, our subscriber slots are limited, so joining the waitlist today could be your key to accessing this game-changing resource tomorrow.

© Stealth Startup Founders. All rights reserved.
